Damage rate
Effectiveness of Damage Reduced and Magic Damage Reduced is reduced when applied to the damage of the following missile attacks:
Damage Rate
41/1024 (~1/25)
82/1024 (~2/25)
205/1024 (~1/5)
- Value normally corresponds to the number of times each missile collides with a target (and thus applies damage) per second: those with 41 typically apply damage every frame (25 times per second), those with 82 typically apply damage every other frame (25/2 times per second) with a stream of missiles (although Arctic Blast is 41, it should be in this category with Inferno). [1] Wake of Fire can apply damage every 5 frames (5 times per second) due to its 4 frame Next Delay.
- Vast majority apply Fire Damage, although Arctic Blast applies Cold Damage, Diablo firestorm applies fire and physical damage and Diablo lightning applies Lightning Damage and physical damage.
- Intent is to prevent integer damage reduction from being too powerful a counter when small amounts of damage are applied by multiple missile collisions. In Hell Diablo lightning only applies maximum 26.25 base physical and 52.5 lightning damage per collision, which would otherwise be easily negated by DR 40 and Lightning Resist 75% (base physical damage would be negated and excess DR would then negate base lightning damage after resistance applied); but due to this modification, DR 492 (an impossible amount in an unmodified game) is actually required to achieve this (DR 40 and LR 75% only reduce maximum base damage by ~46%).
- However, since damage is typically smaller the more missile collisions are used to apply it, this modification is normally less effective as the number of missile collisions involved increases. In Hell Diablo firestorm only applies maximum base 2 48/256 fire and 240/256 physical damage per collision, although up to 30 missiles can collide with a player with each cast and each missile can apply damage up to 35 times, resulting in up to 1,050 collisions (compared to just 17 collisions for each lightning cast at a single stationary target); thus despite the modification, DR 37 and Fire Resist 75% would still negate base physical damage and excess DR would then negate base fire damage after resistance applied.
Last collide
Last collide is a property of missiles which normally prevents those which are not destroyed upon collision from colliding with the same target more than once (since a missile can collide with a target multiple times as it passes through it, or remains over it).
Lightning Spire bolts are size 2 and have last collide enabled, so although they aren't destroyed on collision they normally only collide with the Sorceress once (as indicated by equipped items applying 100% Chance to Cast Nova When Struck). However, when a Desert Mercenary is close enough adjacent for a bolt to collide with both of them simultaneously, he then becomes its last target and the bolt can collide with her a second time before it is out of range.
Next delay
Next delay is an internal timer applied to a monster after a missile from a particular set of skills collides with it. Missiles from these skills will not collide with the monster until the timer expires. Next Delay duration is measured in frames. [2]
- Skills
Speed and range
- Distance is measured in yards, while speed is measured in yards per second. In this case, a yard is defined as the distance between opposite corners of a sub-tile [3], into which the world surface is normally invisibly divided, like a chess board: a yard measures 32 pixels horizontally and 16 pixels vertically due to the game's isometric graphics.
Enlargement of a single sub-tile.
- Consequently, the dimensions of the visible screen are as follows:
Visible Area
640 x 480 |
640 x 432 |
20 x 27.0
800 x 600 |
800 x 552 |
25 x 34.5
Relationship between yards and radius at 800 x 600 resolution.
- Missile speed is specified in terms of pixels travelled each frame, so in terms of yards per second it is calculated as follows for those with constant non-zero speed:
- Missile speed = 25 * pixels / 32 [4]
- Missiles only exist for a specified number of frames before expiring, so missile range in yards is calculated as follows for those with constant non-zero speed:
- Missile range = frames * pixels / 32 [5]