Low level character getting pushed through levels of the game by a much higher level character, where the lower character could not play effectively alone.
Dropping (of items)
Act of entering a game to present any player in that game with items as freely given gifts, to be distributed among the players in the game as they see fit.
Making a personal attack or insulting remark, intended to incite anger.
The process of transferring items involving 2 or more characters not currently playing in the game.
No-twink groups and players use and equip only what they find in no-twink play. No items are brought into no-twink play from outside games or sources.
Transferring items from one in-game character to a character not in game.
Interchanging items between characters, including activites referred to as muling, twinking and storing.
Making provocative, controversial or offensive remarks, intended to create a confrontational response.
Transferring items from one character not currently in-game to a character in game for the latter character's use, and the reciprocal transer of items from the playing character to a mule. "Twinking" is often referred to as using muled items to equip a character with superior items than would be found solely in playing that character.